Friday, July 17, 2009

Love letter from Dad #8

Dear Abe - Thanks for that 10 minutes of joy yesterday afternoon after you had that boy-I'm-pooped-after-the-day-of-summer-outings-including-the-big-city-pool-can-I-please-just-lie-down zoned out look. We put down the paddles, I sprawled out, and you came over to lie on me. Plop, perfect stillness, no sounds but the ocean, no movement except two heartbeats. Oh now that was 10 minutes of joy. Wispy clouds in the blue sky above, refreshing breeze through the backyard, cool comfy grass in the shade of a 90 degree day, summer's first gin & tonic half full on the patio.

That was a really nice zone we were in. I love you, you know. -Dad

Renee caught us love lounging and captured these pixels in a camera from the deck above.

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