Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Frog, Fountain, Flood Fun

Koh: On Saturday we went on a looooong hike at the nearby Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, whatever that means.    What was fun for us was the flooded trail which meant we had many side trip adventures on slippery slopes with broken glass and bugs and snakes to make it past the high water places.   

There were lots of ducks and geese and blue herons and fish jumping right out of the water! 
The frog pond was really cool 'cause it's tadpole season and LOTS of 'em were in the pond and we scared them away.   Then I fell in trying to catch one, so I wore just undies the rest of the day!   Nobody could tell 'cause I look so good in skivvies, especially compared to those ol' diapers. 

We kept walking and walking several miles and hours, even past the roller skating rink and the amusement ride park.   We ended with water fountain fun at the church where we saw mom and dad get married.   well... not really on the last part, but we do go there a lot cuz of that drinking fountain.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nana Jo and Aunt Susan say: Dear Koh and Abe, We love seeing and enjoying your lives as Young all ways! PS We were in the church. It was a very special, wonderful time...