Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Love Letter from Dad #12

You guys just make my day sometimes.   This week you did it by reversing our nearly 6-year reading habit, that one where your mom and I read to you each night before bed.    I knew the day would come, and I should've seen it coming since you're learning to read in school and we even got some "beginning reader" books at the library last week. 

But it was a dramatic milestone tonight when we did our usual snuggled together night-time reading routine on the sofa, Abe on my left and Koh to the right.  Teeth brushed, pajamas on, 8pm.

Then you READ TONIGHT'S BOOK TO ME, simply taking turns reading each page of "My Best Friend" by Diane Namm.    Only a few words stumped you, the rest you knew or sounded out or figured out from the pictures.   That was really neat, I'm very proud of you.   I want more night reading like that one.

I love you guys,   Dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nana Jo and Aunt Susan say:

Each letter's a treasure; we've saved them all.

Merry Christmas, Mark, Abraham, Renee and Koh !!