Renee: In adventure racing, you have "
required gear". This is equipment that you must carry on you during the race. If the race officials catch you without it you are assessed a time penalty and in other cases are unable to complete a section of the race because of the missing piece. In baby raising there are a couple pieces of required gear too:
BDUs (baby display units) or better known as bouncy chairs - these soothe the boys when they are fussing, often better than Mom or Dad can do. The penalty for not having these available is extended wailing that can get very hard to deal with.
Pee Blockers - our friend Sharon introduced us to these while we were still in the hospital. These are folded up paper towels or napkins that you IMMEDIATELY place over the boys' wee wee when removing a diaper. Everyone (Mark, Renee, Grandma Jan and Kate our Doula) have all been showered by forgetting this required gear. This penalty isn't pleasant.