Koh: (gutteral sounds)
"Daddy, it's colored red from the strawberries"
(buuuuuuuuuiiiik, get your buiuiuuiiick sounds)
"Daddy, can you smell that?"
(sweet apple juice aroma)
"Daddy, can you help me?"
(sounds of soft caressing my back)
I got sick today and threw up a lot of times, in the toilet and in the barf bucket, and I missed school and stayed in bed a lot.
I didn't think it was that bad, and I only cried once. I've just been feeling sick and my yucky food has been coming up the past two mornings. I just lean over and fill this bucket, then Daddy empties it.
When I'm done I smile 'cause I feel a lot better. Daddy told me it's good practice for college, whatever that means.