Monday, June 04, 2007

Here Doggie Doggie

Koh: Another weekend, another hike. Actually Mommy and Daddy wanted to sleep in and lounge around the house, but Abraham and I dragged them outside, to the Columbia River Gorge, for another glorious hike. This time it was Dog Mountain in Washington. It is prime wildflower time there, so we got to see lots of pretty colors. We took a couple breaks so bro' and I could rest our rear-ends (they get tired of sitting in those front packs for five hours) and we all got to eat lunch. We saw our first snake too. It was a rattlesnake and it was right in the middle of the trail. Daddy wanted to get close to take a picture, but Mommy wouldn't let him since I was hanging on the front of him. There were lots of other people hiking too and Mommy said she felt like she was in a freak show the way people kept oohing and ahhing over twins on a big hike. She's just going to have to get used to it, because Abraham and I are sooo adorable and people want to look at and touch us. Surf to the whole photo journal of the day:

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