Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Love Letter from Dad #3

Dear Abe and Koh,

You looked different today, right from the start when I saw you in your room. I can't describe exactly how your appearance changed, but you seem different today.... can you let me know why? It's a new year ... but just another day. You're almost one, I know you're older now, but why so dramatic, all in a day? You look like little boys today, and yesterday.... just babies. How can that be, all in a day? How did you change your look so quickly, before my eyes? I think it's your lips and mouth, your eyes and gaze more clear, your face like a boy no longer a toy. Or... maybe you didn't change at all... it was my viewpoint that changed. I wonder why, all of a sudden, all in a day.

Love, Dad

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