Friday, March 16, 2007

Our Dirty Laundry

Abraham: Yesterday Mommy decided that since I was the oldest (maybe it is only by one minute, but you just sit there and pretend you're at work and do nothing for one whole minute and see how long it is), that I could start helping out around the house. Now she and Daddy have a really great relationship and agree on many things. One thing they both agree on is that folding laundry is no fun. In fact, Daddy says the dryer makes a great closet. So Mommy gave me folding clothes as my first chore. It wasn't the most fun thing I did all day, but it was okay... except for not being able to find that one sock.


Anonymous said...

Abraham ... enjoy the easy life ... while it last ... before you know it, you'll be in a house with 7 (and many stinky brothers) and the washing machine will break and be out of commission for 10 days ... they you'll have to send Mommy to the laundry mat with 1000 quarters and hear the story about flooding out the place ... Jillian.
p.s. If you hide your clothes under the bed, daddy will go out and buy you new ones (no folding !!)

Anonymous said...

Hm... Chores... What are those? Mommy hasn't taught me to do those yet. Although I don't think she likes to fold laundry either since there is a huge pile on the guest bed. :-) I like eating my fist too but I just found my thumb so that is my new favorite.