Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Leader Treats

Abraham: I think we may have what it takes to be mountaineers; persistance and wisdom to know when to turnaround. We had to turn around on our first gorge hike due to the rain. So Koh and I hit it again last weekend and hiked up to Angel's Rest... and we made it to the summit. Okay, maybe it really isn't a mountain, but 1600' is the highest we've been yet. Mommy taught us about Leader Treats too. This is where all the hikers/climbers bring a treat for the leader and give it to her at the top. Since we're new at all this, Mommy gave us the treat instead and nursed us at the top. She brought her Hooter Hider so none of the other hikers would be offended. But two of her co-workers, Stephen G. and Kurt S. showed up and kept their distance so maybe they didn't like that.

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