Friday, March 14, 2008


Abraham and Koh: We've had a busy week with our buddies visiting us. Julius and his mommy Sharon stayed with us for a few days. We haven't seen him since he moved away and we missed going on walks with him. I know Mommy really misses Sharon too. He brought some of his old friends over for a playdate. All the mommies tried to line up us five kids on the couch to take our picture. Ha, they are nuts if they think we'll sit still for that.

Then later Reef came to visit. He's our Aunty Andy's nephew and he lives in Hawaii. He's four
 and is a surfer dude. He made us laugh a lot and taught us how to open containers we're not supposed to know how to get into. He likes us a lot and even has dinosaurs named after us. We put some of the pictures online, although many are blurry because we're all boys and we move fast.

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