Monday, July 07, 2008

Knock Knock. Who's There?

Abraham: Sometimes Mommy lets us out of the gated areas and into other parts of the house. Koh and me have fun running into the other rooms we don't usually get to go into. I'm getting tall and have figured out how to turn doorknobs. One of my favorite things to do is run into a room and slam the door shut. This has made my parents nervous because our old house didn't come with keys to the interior doors. So tonight, when Mommy was catching Koh as he was launching himself down the stairs, I ran into the guest room, closed the door and locked it. This isn't the first time I've done it. But this was the first time I wouldn't unlock the door. It was fun at first cuz I could run around the bed and touch the things I'm not allowed. It was fun when Koh stuck his hands and feet under the door to entertain me. But after awhile I got a bit scared and got tired of listening to Mommy and Daddy telling me to open the door and all their knocking.
Good thing Daddy is handy and was able to get the door opened without too much damage. Good thing I did this when Daddy was home because Mommy wouldn't have known what to do and I'd probably still be in there.
Addendum by Mom: Mark took the door knob off and I took it to the locksmith, only to discover the knobs don't need keys... any ol' screwdriver will work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt Susan says: Abe is starting this at a very young age! My brother John locked my Mom in an attic closet when he was three years old. This skillset is trouble -- but (sorry, Mom and Dad)really entertaining for us in the East Coast family!