Sunday, January 13, 2013

Slumber birthday party

Zack and Santi came over for a Saturday night party and it was real fun.  We made a lot of noise, watched a movie with popcorn and stayed up late.  


Anonymous said...

Nana Jo & Aunt Susan say:

"All boys, all noise that's a boy's slumber party"~Jo Seker

Anonymous said...

Nana Jo & Aunt Susan say:

(Remember this poem, Mom and Dad? We taught it to all):

When I was one I had just begun,
When I was two I was barely new,
When I was three, I was hardly me,
When I was four, I was not much more,
When I was five, I was barely alive,

BUT, now that I'm six I'm as clever as clever, so I think I'll be six forever and ever!!

Love from the East Coast two, Koh and. Abe!!